Medical Staff
Our team is here to help you. We have a shared waiting list for patients needing a Primary Care Provider. Patients are booked with a new Primary Care Provider in the order they are placed on the list. Priority is given to patients in the Bonnyville Medical Clinic catchment area. Please see our FAQ page for a list of communities included in the catchment area.
Family Medicine
- Dr. Sonia Andeel
- Dr. Jonathan Barnard
- Dr. Justine Bristow
- Dr. Asha Cadrin
- Dr. Joël Cadrin
- Dr. Kelly Cardeano
- Dr. Leonard De Freitas
- Dr. Maria (Magda) du Toit
- Dr. Ahmed Elfoghhi
- Dr. Cornis Fouché
- Dr. Dean Hanson
- Dr. Albert De Ridder Harmse
- Dr. Julia Kuzyk
- Dr. Jacobus Muller
- Dr. Stefan Steyn
- Dr. Tharine van Deventer
- Dr. Theresa Watson
- Dr. Travis Webster
- Dr. Kai-ting (Kate) Yang
Specialty Medicine – by referral only
- Internal Medicine: Dr. Edwards Ndovi
- Obstetrics & Gynecology: Dr. Alina Kaznacheyeva
Nurse Practitioner
- Brigit Arthur
- Chantal Vallee
Affiliated Health Professionals
- Dr. Annerie Britz
- Dr. Amelia du Preez
- Dr. Cécile Lavoie
Located at
101, 4610 50 Street
Bonnyville, Alberta
T9N 0G2
CALL: 780-826-3346
FAX: 780-826-6362